No Fuss Nutrition: Lemon Caper Salmon with Brussels Sprouts & Lentil Salad


I made the best meal last night. Seriously though, I think it was the best meal ever. I wasn’t quite sure if it was blog post worthy (I mean, the picture wasn’t great), but after posting it to Instagram (duh) and receiving a number of comments and text messages requesting the recipe, I was quickly convinced otherwise and began typing away. Just giving the people what they want!!

My cousin (shout out to my homegirl, Lee) had posted a very similar dinner a few nights ago that had me craving salmon ever since. Well, that’s a lie. I had actually been craving salmon/seafood for a week prior, so I guess you could say her meal is what sent me over the edge. I’ve grown so tired of having chicken for dinner most nights of the week that I think my body is finally fed up with it and demanding other sources of protein. Fine by me.

I promise this meal is NOT as hard to make as it might look. It’s actually pretty hands off, the only real effort you have to put into it is sauteing the brussels sprouts and shoveling it into your mouth at the end. Which, I guess if you had arm day at the gym that could be tough…but I promise it’s worth it.

[yumprint-recipe id=’5′]That’s it!! Let me know if you ever try it, I’d love to know how it turns out!

ciao down, clara



My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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Pro tips to help you maximize your membership :)

Anticipate obstacles: obstacles are like red lights on the way to the store: an inevitable part of the journey. Anticipate them and don’t let them define your ability or stop you from trying.

Take action: you can absorb all the information and education you want, but that’s not what leads to change — taking ACTION is!! Regardless of the results, taking action helps you gain clarity to continue pressing forward. I know this can bring discomfort, but temporary discomfort is better than longterm discomfort. God is mighty in you — you GOT this! 

Ditch all or nothing thinking: we believe something is better than nothing and ANY effort counts. You don’t have to implement 100% of the content to see change and improvements in your health. Each action you take compounds. 40% effort is better than 0%

Ask questions: if you’re confused, not sure where to start, feeling behind, or just have a question for me or the group, ask it! Someone else probably has the same question, so by speaking up you’re getting the answer and helping someone else do the same.

getting started:

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Say hi and introduce yourself: click here to join the private group on Circle, and introduce yourself in the “Say Hello!” space. This is the PLACE TO BE for ongoing encouragement, support, and inspiration through the week. Post questions, workout or nutrition wins, or encouragements for others and be a part of a community pursuing the same goals as you.

Familiarize yourself with the membership portal: things should be fairly simple to navigate. Monthly content will be found in that months module. All other content will be found in the resource bank.

Download your resources: download, print, and/or save the monthly guides, recipe collections, and workouts to your phone for easy access at the start of each month. 

Take action: taking in information can feel productive, but real change comes from taking action! 

Need support?: use the “contact Clara” button to send me an email.