Daily Deliciousness: Cookie Butter Rice Krispies


It is finally my last finals week, and what better way to celebrate than by studying baking! My finals schedule isn’t too tough this semester, so I can actually sit back and relax a bit this week before my three finals. After four years, I think I finally deserve it.

rice krispie 1
rice krispie 2

I originally saw Annie from take a bite post an instagram of these this morning and they were all I could think about all day. Again, good thing I don’t have a demanding finals schedule this week…. The special “speculoos” ingredient in these is Cookie Butter from Trader Joe’s. I actually had no clue speculoos cookies were a thing until .255 seconds ago, but it turns out they are a Belgian cookie. Basically they grind the cookies up really finely and make it into a really delicious “butter”. If you are within a 20-150 mile radius of a Trader Joe’s do yourself a favor and pick up a jar the next time you’re there.

This whole recipe only took about 15 minutes, not including the time to chill. The perfect study break if you ask me! If you are in town and want a taste test, I’m only a phone call away 🙂

how festive is our tree in the background??
how festive is our tree in the background??

Cookie Butter Rice Krispie Treats
servings: 30 square bars

4 tablespoons butter
3/4 cups Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter
6 cups mini marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 cups rice krispie cereal
sprinkles, if desired

1) Place measured out rice krispies into a large mixing bowl, set aside.
2) Grease a 9×13 baking pan, set aside.
3) Melt butter and cookie butter in a medium saucepan over low-medium heat.
4) When butter mixture is melted, add in marshmallows, allowing to melt. Once marshmallows have melted, add in vanilla.
5) Being careful that pan is not too hot, take off heat and pour mixture on top of rice krispies. Gently combine so that rice krispies are all covered and butter mixture is well incorporated. I added in sprinkles at this stage.
6) Empty rice krispie mixture into greased pan, and press down with either a spatula or your hands. I added in sprinkles at this stage, too. The more the merrier!
7) Allow to cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Enjoy!!

rice krispie

Good luck on finals!!




My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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