No Fuss Nutrition: Easy Black Bean Burgers


Since I’ve had this blog I’ve had so many of my friends, family, and instagram followers share with me their take on the recipes and meals I post, and it makes me so happy that people actually try (and like!!) what I post! It’s also a great reassurance that what I’m making isn’t absolutely horrible as well 😉

With that being said, I love to receive requests and recommendations for recipes or meal ideas to try!! I used to be the pickiest eater on the planet (as in, only ate ham and strawberries during my childhood), so with my expanding tastebuds I’m always open to trying new foods. So often I get stuck in a rut of eating the same meals week after week, so I welcome ideas from others! Wanna contact me with a request?

A couple weeks ago my sweet little friend Devon (hi, Devon!) not only complimented my blog but also requested a black bean burger recipe! I have been meaning to come up with my own little black bean burger recipe for a while, so the external push was just what I needed to commit to this kitchen experiment. I’ve previously made a black bean + quinoa burger, but felt it didn’t have the flavor to make it stand up to its meat counterparts. That’s not the case with this BBB (black bean burger, naturally). I swear these smell just like the Morningstar Black Bean Veggie Burgers and have a texture that closely rivals a typical hamburger made with ground beef!

A quick heads up: ideeeeally you would want a food processor to make things easy, but I don’t have one so I opted to meticulously chop most of the ingredients and it still turned out fine! Proof that you don’t NEED all the fancy kitchen gadgets!!

Easy Black Bean Burgers
servings: 4

1 16 oz can no salt added black beans, drained and rinsed
1 red, orange, or yellow bell pepper, finely diced
1/2 sweet onion, finely diced
1/2 cup quick cook oats
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 egg

1) Drain and rinse black beans in a colander. Remove most moisture from beans before heating in a microwave for 2 minutes. Remove from microwave and mash with a fork until a paste forms.
2) Finely dice bell pepper into small pieces, roughly the size of the beans.
3) Finely dice half the sweet onion into small pieces, roughly the size of the beans.
4) Roughly chop up the oats into smaller pieces. (Not necessary, but I thought the oats were a bit too big and wanted to break them down a bit…again, this is where a food processor would be easier)
5) In a large bowl, dump in bell pepper, onion, and oats. Add in cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, egg, and mashed black beans. Combine all ingredients until everything is well distributed.
6) Form bean mixture into 4 patties.
7) Spray a large pan with cooking spray and place over medium-high heat. Cook patties 5-7 minutes on each side, or until heated through.
8) That’s it! Top with avocado slices, plain greek yogurt, cilantro, green onions, ketchup….whatever you’re craving!

Like I said, if you have a food processor I suggest blending the bell pepper, onion, and oats in there, but it is totally doable by hand. These are going to be a staple in my weekly meal plan rotation from now on. Perfect to keep in the fridge for a quick meal throughout the week, and call me crazy but I think the flavor gets better about the second or third day.

ciao down,



My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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