Daily Deliciousness: Homemade Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Banana Bread


Yes that recipe name is a mouthful, and yes this is my third pumpkin recipe in a row. Whatever, it’s Fall and I had bought a new can of pumpkin. I also had two bananas that were on the verge of being even too ripe to use in banana bread, so this recipe couldn’t wait any longer (neither could my sweet tooth). This post is going to be short and sweet because I’ve got a paper to write, a test to study for, and front row One Direction tickets to win, all within the next 24 hours. Without further adieu, I present to you a relatively healthy chocolate chip pumpkin banana bread.
Homemade Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Banana Bread
servings: 12

2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar free maple syrup (or regular, or honey, or regular sugar)
3/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 cup dark chocolate chip morsels (antioxidants!!! healthy!!!)

1) Preheat oven to 350*F and grease whichever pan you desire to use; I only had a 9″x13″ baking dish, so I used that.
2) Mix together the eggs, maple syrup, and apple sauce in a medium size bowl.
3) In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice.
4) Mash two bananas together.
5) Add dry ingredients from step 3 into the bowl with the wet ingredients from step 2. Stir in the mashed bananas and dark chocolate chips and mix everything together until well incorporated.
6) Transfer batter to greased pan and bake in oven for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick or knife inserted comes out cleaned.
7) Eat fresh out of the oven, slather with peanut butter, crumble it over your yogurt, or enjoy it however you wish!

Not that calories matter but if you were curious, if you cut it into 12 pieces, each piece would come out to about 145 calories or so, 5 g fat, 25 g carbs, and 3 g protein.


Let me know if you try it! Now I’m off to be scholarly in Starbucks drinking my third cup of coffee on National Coffee Day.

ciao down,



My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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