No Fuss Nutrition: 3 Bean Vegetarian Chili


I’M ALIVE, I’M ALIVE! The last month has been a whirlwind and I apologize for not posting more recipes, but if you’re ever in need of some meal inspiration and recipe overviews you can still follow my “foodie” instagram @foodfitnessandfaith. In the last month I had my last week of finals ever, graduated from UGA, had a short two week Christmas break with family and friends, and moved back to Athens to start my life in the real world. I officially finished my first week as a WIC Nutritionist yesterday!!! I’ve already learned so much, whether it be about myself, my job responsibilities or WIC itself. That is a post for another day, though.

Today i’m focusing on a new recipe that I posted on Instagram earlier this week, my 3 Bean Vegetarian Chili. I work late every Monday (8-7), and currently have a 40 minute commute, so this week I knew I would need a ready-to-eat meal as SOON as I walked in the door Monday evening. (I don’t do well with hunger). Sunday night I made a HUGE pot of this chili. I mean, huge. I’ve had it for dinner four nights this week and still have enough for at least three more meals. Prepping ahead of time took away the stress of having to make dinner on Monday night and also allowed me to de-stress in the kitchen Sunday evening as well. Win win!

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Daylight Savings isn’t doing much in offering good lighting for my pictures…

I always hear about and see people plan their meals for the whole week and I always thought it was a little OCD, but this week has proved to me just how efficient, helpful and smart meal prepping and meal planning can be. I legitimately had my chili for dinner every. single. night. because it was so effortless. I would also make and pack breakfast, lunch and snack for the next day, get the coffee pot all ready, pick out my outfit, and lay out my workout clothes for the morning. I’m starting to think I’m a little OCD… Having a plan made for easier and less stressful days, which allowed me to relax and focus on important things, like applying for Dietetic Internships. AH.

Okay, okay, okay onto the recipe. This was really very easy, as most of my recipes are. I like to think I’m well versed in the kitchen, but I’m really not (I didn’t know how to dice an onion until senior year). The trick is just to pick easy and simple meals that have minimal hands-on time :). This time around I chose to omit any type of meat, mainly because it was one less ingredient to prep and worry about, but also because it decreased the cost. Many people think that meats and poultry are the only sources of protein in our diet, but beans are secretly a great source of protein (and fiber!) that we can include in our diet as well. You can get a can of black beans at the store for around 80 cents, so its an economical choice, too. In this recipe, the black beans and kidney are excellent sources of fiber, folate, iron and zinc, and offer the protein needed to keep you full.

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3 Bean Vegetarian Chili
servings: 6-8

2-3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 sweet or yellow onion, chopped
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 carrots (or a handful of baby carrots), chopped
1 1/2 T chili powder
1 T cumin
pepper, to taste
salt, to taste
1-2 t cayenne pepper
1 can no sodium added black beans, rinsed
1 can no sodium added dark red kidney beans, rinsed
1 can no sodium added cannellini (white kidney) beans, rinsed
2 cans fire roasted diced tomatoes
1 cup water

1) Mince garlic cloves, set aside.
2) Roughly chop onion, set aside.
3) Heat 1 T EVOO in a large pot over medium-hight heat. Once hot, place garlic cloves and onion in pot and allow to cook for 3-4 minutes, or until onion is fragrant.
4) Meanwhile, chop bell pepper and carrots.
5) Once onion is cooked, add in bell pepper and carrots and allow to cook for 4-5 minutes.
6) Add in rest of ingredients and bring to a simmer. Allow to cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.


  • Feel free to taste test to see if you need to add in more spices to fit your preference.
  • Adding on toppings can take it up a notch, too. Crushed tortillas, avocado, green onion and plain greek yogurt (in place of sour cream) are all great options!
  • This chili is also pretty mild in flavor. I haven’t perfected the addition of hot and spicy peppers and spices, so feel free to bump the heat up if you want.

Let me know if you try this recipe!! I’d love for you to tag me on instagram so I can see it! Expect a post highlighting my new job soon! I’m seriously ecstatic that I get to educate others on how to pick healthy foods, incorporate them in their diet, and live a healthier lifestyle with decreased nutritional risks 🙂




My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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Pro tips to help you maximize your membership :)

Anticipate obstacles: obstacles are like red lights on the way to the store: an inevitable part of the journey. Anticipate them and don’t let them define your ability or stop you from trying.

Take action: you can absorb all the information and education you want, but that’s not what leads to change — taking ACTION is!! Regardless of the results, taking action helps you gain clarity to continue pressing forward. I know this can bring discomfort, but temporary discomfort is better than longterm discomfort. God is mighty in you — you GOT this! 

Ditch all or nothing thinking: we believe something is better than nothing and ANY effort counts. You don’t have to implement 100% of the content to see change and improvements in your health. Each action you take compounds. 40% effort is better than 0%

Ask questions: if you’re confused, not sure where to start, feeling behind, or just have a question for me or the group, ask it! Someone else probably has the same question, so by speaking up you’re getting the answer and helping someone else do the same.

getting started:

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Say hi and introduce yourself: click here to join the private group on Circle, and introduce yourself in the “Say Hello!” space. This is the PLACE TO BE for ongoing encouragement, support, and inspiration through the week. Post questions, workout or nutrition wins, or encouragements for others and be a part of a community pursuing the same goals as you.

Familiarize yourself with the membership portal: things should be fairly simple to navigate. Monthly content will be found in that months module. All other content will be found in the resource bank.

Download your resources: download, print, and/or save the monthly guides, recipe collections, and workouts to your phone for easy access at the start of each month. 

Take action: taking in information can feel productive, but real change comes from taking action! 

Need support?: use the “contact Clara” button to send me an email.