What is the Best Diet?


Ever been curious about what the BEST diet out there is? The one that will whittle your waist, exponentially increase your energy, and cure every condition you have? You’re not alone, and we’re gonna talk about it today!

Ever been curious about what the BEST diet out there is? The one that will whittle your waist, exponentially increase your energy, and cure every condition you have? You're not alone, and we're gonna talk about it today!
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As a dietitian, I’m no stranger to being asked the question, “Clara, what is the best diet I should follow??”

The answer you get from me will likely grind your gears a bit: “It depends.”

Why does it depend!?

First off, I personally don’t fall into one “diet camp”, which confuses a lot of people — and with good reason: the human brain loveeeees to easily categorize stuff! So, while I would say I mostly follow a whole foods, minimally processed, gluten-free and dairy-free diet, I by no means think that is how all people should eat. You’ll still find me eating sugar-filled cookies (I’m partial to Sweet Loren’s), having a glass of wine, or chowing down on a plate of tater tots with ketchup. My dietary approach isn’t a religion I swear by, which seems crazy to have to point out.

But that’s the thing: these days, nutrition has become more of a belief system than an actual science. And if we look at science, we see that there are many different ways of eating that lead to good health. Further, if we look at different groups of people throughout the globe, we see varying eating patterns that still lead to vibrant health.

Of course, we shouldn’t only look at science. We must also consider ourselves on an individual level. Just because research proves one thing, doesn’t automatically mean it will work for us (oftentimes, the result of a research study is just the average…and we aren’t all going to have the same result as the average!). Whey protein is great for muscle building, but I don’t tolerate dairy well, so therefore I don’t consume whey protein. Nuts are great for us, but what if you don’t tolerate them?

However, this can also be tricky, especially nowadays with social media. We see someone follow a certain dietary protocol, have success (whether it’s weight loss, improved body composition, treatment of a condition, etc) and then claim it will help others with the very same thing. They swear by it, nothing else works!! This is IT!!! But we must remember: just because the diet worked for you in your specific situation doesn’t automatically mean it will work for all others, nor does it give you the authority to dole out nutrition advice.

So, my answer to the question “What is the best diet?”:

The best diet is one that takes into account your biology, dietary preferences, financial constraints, nutrition knowledge, personal goals and priorities, ethnic background, life demands, stress level, food availability, cooking experience, physical capability…and that’s just to name a few factors!

See…it depends!

I know, you’re probably still like “SERIOUSLY, CLARA?!” And yes, I am literally so serious. I cannot give you a blanket, one size fits all, diet. That would be doing you the greatest disservice ever. You are a complex human being, not a straightforward math equation. And without knowing these intricate details about your life, I cannot tell you the best diet for you to follow.

Still in a tizzy over what is the best diet you should be following? Let us now consider the many commonalities between many popular dietary approaches to see how they stack up to one another. Hopefully this will allow you to breathe a little sigh of relief.

Similarities Amongst Popular Diets

If you think about it objectively and with an open mind (I know, it’s hard!), all quality approaches to nutrition really share several of the same fundamental principles of good nutrition:

  1. They raise awareness and attention to nutrition. Paleo, vegan, ancestral — whatever diet approach it is, research shows that the simple act of paying attention to what you eat is a huge predictor of improving your health. Further…
  2. They focus on food quality. If you compare many popular diets, their focus is on most whole, minimally processed, nutrient dense, natural foods. Dare I say this is one of the most important aspects of a diet, regardless of the approach? Yes, Oreos are vegan, and yes “Whole30 compliant” chips made in avocado oil are still chips — but most diets aren’t pushing these processed foods, rather they are simply a result of marketing.
  3. They help eliminate nutrient deficiencies. Thanks to, you guessed it: whole, minimally processed foods that are nutrient dense, crowding out the highly processed, high sugar and low nutrient dense snack and packaged foods. Greens, sweet potatoes, black beans, grass fed beef, berries…these are all loaded with the vital micronutrients our bodies need to thrive. Oreos, ice cream, soda and fast food on the other hand…not so much.
  4. They help control appetite and food intake. When we increase awareness, focus on quality, and eat mostly whole foods that help eliminate nutrient deficiencies, we almost always end up naturally regulating our hunger and intake.
  5. They promote regular exercise. Nutrition and exercise go together like PB&J, right? When we focus on one, most of the time we are naturally inclined to dial in the other.

When we look at the many different diets in this light, we can kinda breathe a little more. If you’re like me, you find freedom from the diet dogma. You don’t have to strictly adhere to one specific way of eating. Perfectly following one dietary approach like it’s the gospel doesn’t have to be your top priority!

The Best Diet

If I haven’t made it abundantly clear…

The best diet is the one that takes YOU into consideration. It considers your goals, your means, your dietary preferences, restrictions or allergies; your time, your skills, your heritage, and your capability.

  • The best diet is the one that encourages you to increase your awareness and attention to what you’re eating.
  • The best diet is the one that encourages you to improve the quality of the food you consume.
  • The best diet is one that helps eliminate nutrient deficiencies so your body can work the best it can.
  • The best diet is the one that helps you control your appetite and food intake without causing undue stress and anxiety.
  • The best diet is the one that moves you toward movement and exercise that you enjoy.
  • The best diet is the one that is sustainable for your life.
  • The best diet is the one that fuels YOU mind, body, and soul.

I encourage you to take some time to sit with these statements and ponder what food choices align with these in your own life. Make a list, journal it out, whatever you need to do to crowd out the noise and confusion and tune in to what your body needs.

Still not quite sure what the best diet is for you? Let’s work together to create the right dietary approach for you; one that’s specific to YOUR goals and YOUR lifestyle. You can inquire HERE!



My goal is to help you detach your worth from their wellness and learn how to steward your health in a way that’s sustainable, enjoyable, and meaningful to you, so you can feel your best.



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Pro tips to help you maximize your membership :)

Anticipate obstacles: obstacles are like red lights on the way to the store: an inevitable part of the journey. Anticipate them and don’t let them define your ability or stop you from trying.

Take action: you can absorb all the information and education you want, but that’s not what leads to change — taking ACTION is!! Regardless of the results, taking action helps you gain clarity to continue pressing forward. I know this can bring discomfort, but temporary discomfort is better than longterm discomfort. God is mighty in you — you GOT this! 

Ditch all or nothing thinking: we believe something is better than nothing and ANY effort counts. You don’t have to implement 100% of the content to see change and improvements in your health. Each action you take compounds. 40% effort is better than 0%

Ask questions: if you’re confused, not sure where to start, feeling behind, or just have a question for me or the group, ask it! Someone else probably has the same question, so by speaking up you’re getting the answer and helping someone else do the same.

getting started:

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Take action: taking in information can feel productive, but real change comes from taking action! 

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